Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Conversion of the Jews

I found this story slightly amusing, almost ironic that this kid get his entire congregation to say they believe in Jesus and to do it kneeling just so he'll come off the roof. I feel in this day and age if someone tried to do that they wouldn't be taken seriously, they'd consider them crazy and they wouldn't get away with it. I do have some sympathy for Ozzie, only because he is curious and his Rabbi isn't giving him the answers that he wants, he's just repeating the ideas he's been taught to repeat not necessarily what he believes. Ozzie has a thirst to discover more and learn more about God and if his way of doing it was from a rooftop then so be it. I strongly dislike the way the Rabbi deals with Ozzie and his curiosity, it's suffocating and frustrating. 

Angel Levine was a story I almost chose for my film adaptation. It was an unusual story, especially when this supposed angel is at the bar drinking and smoking. But it's odd because in the end Fanny isn't on her deathbed, she's doing housework. Is this man really an angel? Or is Manischevitz just creating an illusion and his wife is healed by faith? 

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